《心之所向的美丽》是T.U.B.S男团与顶级音乐人、加拿大流行歌手Daniel Powter合唱的一首浪漫情歌。生命中总有些人的出现,如同施了魔法般让你一见如故,无法忘怀。想要靠近,想要和ta变得亲昵,期待着一个彼此依赖的未来,把每一个瞬间都过成永恒。
“The Beauty of Following Our Hearts” by T.U.B.S features the renowned Canadian music producer Daniel Powter. The song expresses the encountering of those special ones in your life that have you enchanted, like a déjà vu, a guiding star which celebrates the beauty of following your heart. Most importantly, it depicts the everlasting love between the members of T.U.B.S and their fans.
In our lives, there is always someone who would magically leave a deep impression on us and feel like an old friend at the first sight, someone we wish to know and get close to, and someone we would like to have a future and spend the rest of our lives with. As the lyric goes, “amongst the sea of people, someone is destined to take your hand forever”. Finding the one we’re destined to meet in life is “the beauty of following our hearts”.